SW 316 Interviewing in Social WorkSimulation Center Interview Reflection Paper 2

SW 316 Interviewing in Social WorkSimulation Center Interview Reflection Paper 210 pointsYou will interview a “client” at the Simulation Center on Feb 20. Your interview will be viewedand critiqued by a classmate (peer reviewer) as well as video recorded.The peer reviewer who watched your interview will critique your interviewing skills using thePeer Review Rubric. The peer reviewer will give the completed Peer Review Rubric to you nolater than Feb 22.1. Discuss your thoughts, feelings and reactions before, during and after your interview aswell as how these changed/did not change compared with your first Simulation Centerinterview.2. Critique your interviewing skillsa. Describe two interview skills you believe you did wellb. Describe two interview skills you hope to improve in subsequent interviewsc. Describe how your interview skills have improved or changed since the first SimCenter experience3. Discuss your peer reviewer’s critique of your interview; feel free to agree and/or disagreewith the reviewer’s assessment and suggestions; explain your thoughts and feelings.4. Identify three activities/practices you will engage in between now and your next SimCenter interview to assist you in preparing for your interview. These can beactivities/practices to improve your interview skills and/or to assist you in dealing withthe stress/anxiety of the Sim Center experience.5. Attach the Peer Review Rubric you received from your peer reviewer.Paper requirements:3 to 4 pages of text12 point font, double spaced, 1 inch marginsPlease note that you are NOT being graded on your interviewing skills but on your reflectionsabout this second Simulation Center interview

About the author

Lisa, a seasoned tutor, uses her decade-long experience to assist students in their academic struggles. With a knack for simplifying complex topics, Lisa offers writing and proofreading services at Essaynook.com. Her goal is to ensure every student has the tools to conquer their homework assignments.

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